Simple answer, get a folding keyboard. Why yes they will hook up to anything including hand held devices up to the latest laptop computer. The coolest part is the wireless connection by Bluetooth so as no wires are needed, however you can go "old school" and hook up the keyboard into a USB port. These stowaway keyboards are made to be extremely compact when not in use, some so small when folded that it can literally fit in your pocket, then unfold it and eureka - a full size keyboard is bestowed in front of you ready and willing to get it's keys pounded on.
The convenience of this device is priceless, imagine being stuck in an airport with a load of work needing to get done, doing so without a keyboard would be a nightmare. Also if the ergonomics of the keyboard on your notebook just don't cut it for several reasons like spacing of keys, shape of the keys, and the overall funkiness of some of the newer laptop keyboards is downright confusing and frustrating to deal with. Some of those designs just don't make sense, on one particular model the keys are flat on top and have no distinction of where your fingers can distinguish on what key they lay upon.
There are also many different varieties of these compact fold-able keyboards as well. Some styles are hard plastic and fold up in sections while being made very thin and sleek, the there are the silicon types that are so pliable they can just be rolled up like a piece of paper and be stowed anyplace. These soft jelly like keyboards come in a variety of colors and some are even back lit, now that is pretty neat for the young at heart or teenagers who are finicky and demand the different of a great many things.
Go check out what folding keyboard may be right for your technological situation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Black